Ursula's Return - Illumineer's Trove

Ursula's Return - Illumineer's Trove

Ursula's Return - Illumineer's Trove

Precio habitual $ 1,350.00

Proveedor: Disney

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Set: Ursula's Return Sealed
Release Date: 2024-05-17
A storm has been building in the magical realm of Lorcana. A powerful Ursula glimmer, unleashed from the Great Illuminary, is at last ready to put plans into motion. How far will the sea witch go to gain power over all Lorcana?

The ultimate treasure for both collectors and players, the Illumineer's Trove includes a full-art storage box with 6 ink-themed card dividers to keep your Disney Lorcana TCG cards safe and organized.

The Illumineer's Trove includes 8 randomized booster packs and helps keep track of character and location damage with 6 high-quality dice featuring a magical ink appearance with gold printed numbers. Finally, the distinctive spin-dial lore counter makes it easy to mark your progress toward victory!

The Illumineer's Trove includes:

1 Card storage box
6 Card Dividers
8 Booster packs of 12 additional game cards each
6 Damage-counter dice
1 Lore counter